About TREM and IAGS

Technology, Rare and Electronic Materials (TREM) are essential parts of the high-tech, green and defense industries. The mission of TREM Center within IAGS is to create a forum where policymakers and companies from the minerals, defense technology, clean-tech, automotive and finance sectors can advance policies that ensure secure and diverse supply chains for technology metals.

We exist:

  • To connect technology metal producers, technology manufacturers, governments and interested stakeholders
  • To provide timely and useful analysis on developments in the technology metals industry
  • To educate:
    • Metals producers and technology manufacturers on government processes
    • Congress and Administration on technology metals uses and challenges to supply chains
    • Media and the public on technology metals

The TREM Center hosts meetings on policy developments and industry intelligence developments in Washington and abroad. It has also held briefings for members of Congress, their staff, and various branches of the Administration.


The Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) is a non-profit organization which directs attention to the strong link between energy and security and provides a stage for public debate on the various avenues to strengthening the world’s energy security.

Since its establishment in 2002, IAGS has become a key player in the effort to create a nexus between energy and security and reframe the debate around America’s oil security. The organization produced analytical studies on the geopolitics of energy, the link between terrorism and energy, the true cost of imported oil and the implications of China’s growing energy demand. It also produced country studies, books, book chapters and scholarly articles in leading publications like Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy Magazine, The American Interest and Commentary Magazine. IAGS collaborated with the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense on various projects, took part in numerous conferences encompassing almost every major think tank in the U.S. as well as various industries including pipeline operators, maritime, utilities, aviation, insurance, Wall Street analysts, business leaders and security providers. With hundreds of media appearances per year, the organization has become a source of information for reporters, policymakers and the general public. IAGS’ commentary and opinion pieces appear in leading publications like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Philadelphia Inquirer, Business Week and Time Magazine. IAGS’ experts are frequent guests on all major television and radio networks. The organization publishes the Journal of Energy Security, an online bi-monthly magazine on all energy security matters.

In 2004 IAGS co-founded the Set America Free Coalition, an alliance of prominent individuals and non-profit organizations from across the political spectrum all of them concerned about the security and economic implications of America’s growing dependence on foreign oil. Set America Free promotes a Blueprint for Energy Security, which spells out practical ways in which real progress toward energy security and fuel choice can be made over the next several years.

In 2009 IAGS co-founded the Mobility Choice Coalition, advocating fiscally responsible, free market oriented approach to expanding competition among transportation modes for the purpose of reducing oil’s strategic value.

Outside the U.S. IAGS has become one of the world’s leading research organizations on energy security. In recent years, IAGS scholars have been invited to brief government and non-governmental organizations in more than 50 countries. IAGS also consulted on energy security matters to multinational organizations like the G-8 and NATO. In 2006, IAGS co-hosted the NATO Forum on Energy Security and in 2007 IAGS established in cooperation with US European Command the Atlantic Energy Security Initiative (AESI) a public-private partnership designed to bridge the defense and intelligence communities with the industry and policy communities covering the energy and power domains.

Visit the IAGS homepage at www.iags.org