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TREM12 Full Agenda

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Date: March 13-14, 2012

Location: Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington VA


TREM12 was a fantastic success - Our keynote speakers were:

  • Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
  • The Honorable David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of Energy
  • His Excellency Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the US
  • Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Robert Cekuta, Bureau of Energy Security




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Day 1: Tuesday March 13, 2012

8:00 am     Breakfast and Registration

  • Courtesy of  Quest Rare Minerals

8:45 am     Breakfast Keynote

  • Introduction: Jim McKenzie, President & CEO, Ucore
  • The Honorable Lisa Murkowski, US Senator from Alaska

9:15 am     Keynote Speaker

  • Introduction: Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman & CEO, Rockwood Holdings (Diamond Sponsor)
  • The Honorable David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of Energy

9:45 am     Energy Policy in Times of Austerity

  • Moderator: Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
  • Joshua Freed, Vice President for the Clean Energy Program, The Third Way
  • Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn (USN-Red), President & CEO, American Council on Renewable Energy
  • Darren Samuelsohn, Senior Energy and Environment Reporter, Politico
11:00 am     Networking Break
  • Courtesy of Talison Lithium
11:30 am     Automotive and Grid Storage
  • Moderator: Anne Korin, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
  • Presentation: Idan Udi Edri, CEO, Nation-E Israel
  • Seifi Ghasemi, President & CEO, Rockwood Holdings
  • Bill Reinert, National Manager, Toyota Advanced Technology Group
  • Marc Winterhoff, Partner, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Automotive Practice
12:45 pm    Ritz-Carlton Gourmet Lunch
  • Courtesy of Molycorp, Inc.
  • Welcoming remarks from Mark Smith, CEO, Molycorp, Inc.
2:00 pm     Keynote Speaker
  • Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert Cekuta, Department of State Bureau of Energy Resources
  • Introduction: Mark Smith, CEO, Molycorp, Inc.
2:30 pm     What is Critical for Congress?
  • Moderator: Dr. Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
  • Adam Falkoff, RARE, The Association for Rare Earths
  • Jeff Green, President & Founder, JA Green & Co
  • Jonathan Ossoff, Legislative Director for Congressman Hank Johnson (co-chair of the House Rare Earth Caucus)
  • Carol Raulston, Senior Vice President of Communications, National Mining Association
3:30 pm    Networking Break
  • Courtesy of Talison Lithium
4:00 pm Diversifying Supply
  • Erin Chutter, President, Global Cobalt Corporation
  • Peter Cashin, President & CEO, Quest Rare Minerals
  • Randall Scott, CEO, Rare Element Resources
5:15 pm     Closing Comments & Adjourn
  • Yaron Vorona, TREM Center Director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
6:00 pm     Networking Reception, Zen Bistro and Wine Bar
  • Courtesy of Global Cobalt Corporation
  • Zen Bistro and Wine Bar
    • Pentagon Row
      1301 South Joyce Street,
      Arlington, VA 22202

Day 2: Wednesday March 14, 2012

8:00 am     Registration and Breakfast

  • Courtesy of  Rare Element Resources
9:00 am     Welcoming Remarks
  • Yaron Vorona, TREM12 Conference Chair
9:15 am     The Best Defense is...
  • Moderator: Yaron Vorona
  • Dr. Jim Thomason, Assistant Director Strategy Forces & Resources Division, Institute for Defense Analysis
  • Charles Cogar, Legislative Director to Congressman Mike Coffman
10:00 am     Redefining Criticality
  • Robert L. Jaffe, Morningstar Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
10:30 am     Networking Break
  • Courtesy of Ucore Rare Metals
11:00 am    Supply and Demand: In Balance or Imbalance?
  • Moderator: Clint Cox, The Anchor House
  • Anthony Alfidi, CEO, Alfidi Capital LLC
  • Dr. Michael Berry, Discovery Investing
  • Michael Silver, CEO, American Elements
12:00 pm     Should we Pencil Graphite in as Critical?
  • Moderator: Gareth Hatch, President, Innovation Metals Corp.
  • Presentation: Stephen Riddle, CEO, Asbury Carbon Mills
  • Dr. Tracy Albers, Manager of External Interactions and Technology Roadmapping, Graftec International Holdings
  • Gary Economo, CEO Focus Metals
12:45 pm     Ritz-Carlton Gourmet Lunch
  • Courtesy of American Vanadium
  • Welcoming remarks from Ron MacDonald, Executive Chairman, American Vanadium
2:00 pm       Keynote Speaker
  • Introduction: Ron MacDonald, American Vanadium
  • His Excellency Ichiro Fujisaki, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the USA
2:15 pm    Development Updates
  • Peter Oliver, CEO & Managing Director, Talison Lithium
  • Jim McKenzie, CEO, Ucore Rare Metals
3:00 pm     Official: China's Rare Earth Policies
  • Dr. Si Jinsong, Second Secretary Economic Affairs Office, Embassy of China and former Deputy Director, Development and Planning Department of the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission
3:30 pm   Closing remarks
  • Yaron Vorona, Conference Chair
3:45 pm   Networking Break
  • Courtesy of Ucore Rare Metals
* Schedule subject to change without notice.


FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (TREM12 Cashin Quest.pdf)TREM12 Cashin Quest.pdfQuest Rare Minerals Presentation by Peter Cashin3235 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Chutter Global Cobalt.pdf)TREM12 Chutter Global Cobalt.pdfMolycorp Presentation by Mark Smith3361 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Jaffe Criticality.pdf)TREM12 Jaffe Criticality.pdfRobert Jaffe from MIT on Energy Critical Elements13498 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Murkowski Keynote.pdf)TREM12 Murkowski Keynote.pdfSenator Murkowski's Keynote Address30 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Riddle Graphite.pdf)TREM12 Riddle Graphite.pdfGraphite Presentation by Stephen Riddle619 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Scott Rare Element.pdf)TREM12 Scott Rare Element.pdfRare Element Resources Presentation by Randy Scott2239 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Smith Molycorp.pdf)TREM12 Smith Molycorp.pdfGlobal Cobalt Presentation by Erin Chutter1811 Kb
Download this file (TREM12 Thomason Defense.pdf)TREM12 Thomason Defense.pdfDefense Criticality by Jim Thomason459 Kb
Access this URL ( DOE Critical Material StrategyAssistant Secretary David Sandalow on DOE Critical Material Strategy4468 Kb