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Conflict Minerals Report from Enough Project

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December 14, 2010

The Globe and Mail obtained an advance release of the Enough Project's review of technology companies and their ability to prove their raw materials are "conflict free".

David Sullivan, who is Research Director at the Enough Project said, "It’s important that the forward-leaning companies, folks like HP and Intel and Motorola, are demonstrating that this is all possible – not easy, but it is possible" This article highlights the difficulty in tracing the raw material supply chain.

The article states that "The Enough Project ranking is especially important because of the disconnect between where conflict minerals are mined and where the finished product is sold to consumers"

Legislation on conflict minerals has been passed in the US, and the Canadian Government is also considering new laws. It is important to study the effect that these laws may have on the supply of technology metals such as tantalum, cobalt, niobium and tungsten.

Read Enough Project's Full Report:


Original article here:
