July 20, 2010
Last week, we were thrilled to have Colin Hayes join us for an informative session on the Senate’s Rare Earth Supply-chain Technology And Resources Transformation (RESTART) Act. The bill was introduced recently by Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, and is a companion bill to the one announced by Representative Mike Coffman from Colorado at our TREM10 event in March.
The call was for educational purposes only. Nearly 100 people registered to be on the call including participants from the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Alaskan State Legislature, the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the Bureau of Land Management, the USGS and the Australian Embassy. We also hosted participants from the mining industry, defense contractors, chemical companies, 2 of the big 3 US automakers, the electronics industry, magnet manufacturers, and the press.
Colin Hayes returned to the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee as Professional Staff in 2007, where he is now responsible for the climate change, CO2 sequestration, clean energy finance, and mining portfolio under Ranking Member Lisa Murkowski (AK). Previously, Colin served as Legislative Assistant to Senator Craig Thomas (WY) for energy and environmental issues. Prior to that, he held a number of positions with Senator Pete V. Domenici (NM) both in his personal office and on the Energy & Natural Resources Committee from 2003 to 2006.
Listen to the conference here: